Ninja in Sneakers... an action/comedy comic series following a young ninja named David. Ninja in Sneakers is partnered with Evan Dixon Designs with the goal to produce family-friendly entertainment centered around Biblical values, along with strong characters and moving stories. Our mission is to produce the entertainment you want to see without the secular agenda that Hollywood keeps pushing. We want to change the entertainment industry for the better. But we can't do it alone. We need your help to be able to produce content faster and more efficiently. Please consider supporting the movement for better entertainment.

The difference in our content:

We will deliver content to you and your family based on Christian standards, rather than the propaganda that secular media keeps shoving our way. Our content will have no excessive violence or gore, and no swearing or inappropriate sexual content. We will produce a moving story that is safe for all the family to read.

Our plan to get there:

Our ultimate goal is to release a full series of Ninja in Sneakers comic books. My writing team will create the fun stories you love to see while we hire a talented artist to bring the drawings. I have created volume 0 myself to act as a showcase or trailer to demonstrate what we can do. We will be selling ad spots in Volume 0 to help cover the printing costs. Once we get Volume 0 printed, we will post the comic for free to read on our website, as well as hand out all the copies we ordered to generate interest in the project and grow our following. In the meantime, we will continue production on Volume 1, hiring out a professional artist who can produce higher quality art quickly and more efficiently than I can on my own. When the story and art are finished, we will release Volume 1 and it will be available to purchase on our website. The funds we receive from the purchases of Volume 1 we will put into Volume 2 and keep the snowball rolling!

How you can help:

If you would like to get involved with supporting the movement for better entertainment for our families, there are several ways you can help:

  • Share the project on social media once Volume 0 is released. The only way we can grow this thing is through word of mouth. Every share is a step forward.
  • Buy an ad spot in the comic. Got a business of your own you wanna tell people about? Buy an ad spot in our comic book! In buying an ad spot you will be supporting the project, supporting your business (an estimated 1,500-2,500 people will see your ad), and you will have a link to your website on the sponsors section of our website. If you’d like to reach out to us, scroll down on our homepage to our contact form, request an ad spot, and we will respond promptly.
  • Support the project via donation. If you would like to back this project, click on the link on our donate page. This will take you to our Paypal where you can donate any amount you want for us to put towards producing your clean entertainment.
  • Buy merch. Sporting our Ninja in Sneakers merch is a great way to get the word out…. Also you’ll look great doing it. :)

Thank you for your support! It means so much to us!



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